Does stabilizer save electricity bill
Does stabilizer save electricity bill
Before going to takel this question, first understand that what is a stabilizer?
A stabilizer is a type of an auto transformer which is used to supply constant voltage in the output of the stabilizer. It's only work on alternative current because it's has a transformer in it.
Why transformer is not working on direct current?
In other words we can also define as--
It is an electrical device which used to constant the fluctuating voltage either 220-240 volt on single phase and 380-400 volt on the three phase. It's an compact device which are connected before an appliance. The AC voltage stabilizer is also called automatic voltage regulator, which regulator the voltage either the voltage is fluctuating or not.
There are various of stabilizer are present in the market. But, they are all only two types single phase or three phase. The three phase are of two versions like balanced load version and unbalanced load version.
Why we need a stabilizer?
Any electric device is needed rated voltage and current for better function or performing.
The rated voltage or current means that is only a quantity of voltage and current which are written on the name plate of any device(like transformer, Motor). When the rated voltage is not taking by the device then it's can't working properly, or there is some heat produce in the winding of the device (like transformer, Motor). For example, when the electric blub is not taking rated or 220-240 volt then it's output or luminance reduce and also reduce it's life. And also In the motor and transformer when low voltage supply through it, it's winding become heated and insulation start melt due to this it's winding become short, which cause short life of device.
Hence, it's is necessary to maintain voltage on the device to better performance and longer life.